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Staff Update

Farewell Sophie

It is with sadness that we will say farewell to Sophie Rider, our Development & Delivery Manager on 1 September. Being presented with the opportunity to work in Germany for a hockey club in a delivery management role, Sophie has made the difficult but logical decision to take this time to explore new lands, learn a new language, expand her horizons, and be closer to her partner. While we are stoked and excited for Sophie, we are sad to lose her as a dynamic member of our team, a highly qualified coach leader and developer, and lead from the front person.

We will look for an opportunity to farewell Sophie in style, but in the meantime, please take the opportunity to wish her well when you next see her around the National Hockey Centre.

With Sophie departing we will take this opportunity to review our needs within the team so watch this space for further news.

Introducing our New CFO

After a lengthy process I am pleased to let you know that Alastair Wright has started this week with the NHHA team as our new Chief Financial Officer.

Alastair brings depth of experience in senior finance roles including most recently as Head of Finance for New Zealand’s Sail GP team and prior to that Finance Manager for a division of Skellerup Group. He is passionate about the business of sport and is originally from the UK. He is married and has two young children who both play hockey on Monday evenings at the NHC and is a long-time resident of the North Harbour area.

We are very pleased to have secured Alastair, initially on a 6-month contract to test the role as a 4-day per week position. This also allows him to run his Escape Room business “Escapologist” that has been operating successfully now for a number of months, based on Rosedale Rd in Rosedale.

Alastair is currently contemplating adding hockey to his repertoire of sports alongside tennis, sailing and cycling. Please welcome Alistair to the NHHA whanau when you see him!

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