our history
In 1973 the North Shore Women’s Hockey Association (NSWHA) was formed on Auckland’s North Shore and in 1975 established its headquarters at Rosedale Park in Albany. The Association grew rapidly and in 10 years had doubled in size and incorporated the largest junior girls division in New Zealand hockey, a status the present day NHHA still holds.
In 1983, men’s competitions, separate from Auckland Hockey Association, were run for the first time, as the North Shore (Mens) Hockey Association was formed as a sub-association of Auckland. Secondary and Junior Divisions quickly grew, a name change to North Harbour Hockey Association followed in 1987 and, in 1989, the men’s association was established in its own right, independent of Auckland.
In 1988, NSWHA worked alongside the NHHA to lay their first artificial turf (Sand) beside the 9 grass fields at Rosedale Park.
In order to cope with continuing growth and development, NHHA in conjunction with North Shore City Council established a new hockey complex at Rosedale Park South. In 1996/97 two water turfs were laid and in 1998 Stage 1 of a pavilion was erected between the turfs. The building was completed to its final status in 2000 and today all North Harbour hockey is centered on the complex.
In 2004/5 a third water turf was added adjacent to the other two to make North Harbour Hockey Stadium the largest NZ hockey centre.
In 2019 NHHA moved to the newly built National Hockey Centre on Bush Road due to the extension of Upper Harbour Highway.
In order to cope with continuing growth and development, NHHA in conjunction with North Shore City Council established a new hockey complex at Rosedale Park South. In 1996/97 two water turfs were laid and in 1998 Stage 1 of a pavilion was erected between the turfs. The building was completed to its final status in 2000 and today all North Harbour hockey is centered on the complex.
In 2004/5 a third water turf was added adjacent to the other two to make North Harbour Hockey Stadium the largest NZ hockey centre.
In 2019 NHHA moved to the newly built National Hockey Centre on Bush Road due to the extension of Upper Harbour Highway.

Rosedale South - Home of North Harbour Hockey 1996 to 2019
The National Hockey Centre - Home of North Harbour Hockey December 2019 to present date
At North Harbour Hockey Association (NHHA) our vision is a world class hockey experience and it is our purpose to deliver that experience to the North Harbour Community.
Our Vision
the harbour way
Play with passion, enjoyment, pride and integrity.
excellence in performance
Excellence in everything we do.
hockey whanau
Community, family and belonging.
Alwyn Riggs
Andy Worrall
Brent Miller
Colin Chester
Darrell Simpson
Dave Westgate
Don Burtt
Ev Miller
Greg Datson
Ian Waugh
Ina Lamason
John Leadbetter
Ken Drum
Ken Miller
Kevin McPheat
Linton Little
Marion Ellis
Marion Webb
Melva Triggs
Merv Huxford
Mike Vallant
Murray Goad
Nancye Jones
Rex Smith
Sharon Williamson
Thelma Dennison
Vera Burt
harbour legends
Harbour Hockey is proud to have awarded life membership to the following extraordinary people:
life members
Keri Dempster
Colin Chester
Andy Worrall
Kevin McPheat
Murray Goad
Pip Capizzi
Jill Simpson
Ian Bartholomew
Simon Brill
Kimberley Green
Brent Edwards
Amanda Green
Sam Bartholomew
Paul Morrison
Dave Kosoof
Bryce Collins
Colin French
Mona McKenzie
Wayne Highet
Mark Dempster
Sharon Williamson
Bronwyn Rees
Simon Taylor
Gavin Hawke
Karen Lynch
Riki Burgess
Darrell Simpson
James Coughlan
Marion Ellis
Bianca Russell
our community
NHHA is one of the largest Associations in NZ with some 4300 winter season and 2000 summer players drawn from both urban and rural areas. Our catchment area extends from Devonport to beyond Warkworth in the east, over to Massey and through to Helensville in the west. The Association manages competitions for 10 clubs, 16 secondary schools and 68 junior schools, catering for the midget, novice players through to masters players in their 60’s.
NHHA has ten paid staff. Full-time coaching staff provide assistance to all schools and coaching courses are run for players, coaches and umpires. More advanced clinics are held to develop our representative players who are selected to play in North Harbour teams from primary school age through masters. The successful coaching programmes have seen considerable improvements in the results of our representative teams at their respective National Tournaments in the last five years. In all, North Harbour organises 29 representative teams each year.
Club (Adult) competitions are held on Saturdays and Sundays, Secondary Schools play on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings and Primary & Intermediate Schools play Monday and Tuesday evenings as well as Saturday mornings. During summer months, Summer Hockey is held for Primary, Youth (Y7-10), Adult and Masters (35+) players.
Interspersed amongst the formal structures is a very strong band of dedicated and loyal volunteers, without whom we could not function.