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adult summer hockey

North Harbour Hockey offers 7 aside & 9 aside Adult Summer Hockey Competitions across a range of Grades so that players of all ages & levels can receive a world-class hockey experience.

Mixed Leagues are offered.

Players must be 14 years and above.

Game times run from 6.00-9.00pm and are 30 minutes in duration.

Get a team together with your mates and enter the appropriate grade of your choice!

Harbour Office Contact for Summer Hockey Competitions:  

7 a-side information

  • Players of all levels.

  • Played on 1/2 turf.

  • Mixed teams are to have a maximum of 4 males on the field at any time.

  • No Goalkeepers or Kicking Fullbacks.

  • There are two leagues: Tuesday League & Thursday League. There is no difference in skill, and this provides convenience to our members who may not be able to play on certain days.

9 a-side information

  • Limited spaces are available.

  • Tuesday is intended to be a high-level; Premier, Premier Reserve level.

  • Thursdays are intended to be more social, including Premier 3 skill levels.

  • Played on Full Turf.

  • Mixed teams to have a maximum of 5 males on the field at any one time.

  • Goalkeepers are voluntary but preferred.

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